2024 Spring Art Show

Aubrey Koch

My inquiry question that guided my sustained investigation was: How can I depict the stories I have shared with my grandma through an artistic portrayal? I explored my SI through literal depictions of days she and I spent together and through symbolic representations of our memories. Through my works, I intended to investigate the affect our shared connection for the arts has impacted me now and when I was younger. I began with exploring general memories, and eventually tapped into more emotional aspects of her influence throughout my life. My revision to create more emotionally connected works was brought by no longer wanting to only show the surface of how being with my grandma makes me feel, but how there is such a deeper connection her and I share. My grandma is the original source of my artistic interest. Although my pieces utilize different media the majority are created with oil paints. My grandma is the person who taught me to paint with oil paints, and their use throughout my works is an ode to the memory of her teaching me to use them.

Scroll down to view this artist's work or click here for the entire album.
St. Thomas More is a Catholic, coeducational high school that inspires students to embrace the values of our Patron Saint by becoming men and women for all seasons. Rooted in Christ and the Catholic tradition, the school community embodies the principles of Christian discipleship, service to others, and academic excellence.

Thank you to Visual Image Photography and ValerieAnn Photography for capturing many of the photos on tmore.org.
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