Art Show Detail

Lilliana Haug

Over the course of this school year, I’ve worked on developing and portraying my work through one guided question. How can I show the connection people have with nature by adding human features and characteristics that make the natural world feel more alive? Nature has always been an inspiration for me so this question arose on the journey of me figuring out how I can show my audience the feeling that nature evokes. I combine humans and nature because it helps me portray the connection humans have to nature. I combine them in a way that shows human and nature as one and the idea of humans embodying nature. Another message I wanted to show through the art I create is the aliveness nature has and that there’s more to nature than people see. Nature is something that is overlooked by many but by giving human life to nature I strive to show people the similarities people and nature have and why we should be treating nature with respect.
            My guided question changed over the course of the year as I started to really think about why I paint what I paint and what point I wanted to make to the audience. My question started off focusing on the tone I wanted to portray but it has turned into an idea and feeling I want to get across to my audience. The art I’ve made this year has always inspired me, but it started speaking to me more as changed my question to something that feels more personal to why I create my art.
I’ve experimented with several media while discovering my art style but the one that I was especially drawn to was oil paint. I create the majority of my art works with oil paint because it allows me to create rhythmic shapes in my art that depict the tone I want to give off. It also allows me to use colors that are more subdued and natural as opposed to bright and bold colors. Overall, my goal through my art is to show how strong the connection people can have to nature is and to show that nature is alive beyond just a biological point.

Scroll down to view this artist's work or click here for the entire album.
    • It Grows Through Me 11 x 14 Oil Paint

St. Thomas More is a Catholic, coeducational high school that inspires students to embrace the values of our Patron Saint by becoming men and women for all seasons. Rooted in Christ and the Catholic tradition, the school community embodies the principles of Christian discipleship, service to others, and academic excellence.

Thank you to Visual Image Photography and ValerieAnn Photography for capturing many of the photos on
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